Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ms. Molly's Wisdom Corner... and then some

Well folks, I wanted to post a quote of the day every day, but not every day has a quote worthy of such a prestigious and well written blog, therefore only days that have splendid pearls of homesteadin wisdom will be quoted. This one happens to be from my good friend Robert on Friday in regards to glass in my backyard

"Chickens don't know the difference between glass and not glass!"

Thank you Robert, I strongly agree.

On a different note, I  just want to say that I am super proud of myself because I recently learned to make bagels. Yes, bagels. The ones I made are peanut butter. I will be producing a steady supply of these donut wanna-be gems from here on out and it's likely that my obsession will continue into winter where everyone I know will receive a box for Christmas. (Which then reminded me of when the Atkins diet was really big, I mean, people were really just eating meat. Seriously, my aunt and uncle did it and they were not encouraged to eat vegetables. welcome to medieval Europe.) They key to baking any yeast bread is patience, which in the past has been my biggest downfall. I have tried for two years now to get a decent loaf of sourdough and failed. Someday I will have a digital camera in this new digital age and I will post pictures of all the glorious bagels. In the meantime here is a picture of an old timey jewish bagel peddler:

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